Adult life is always a combination of everything you do, both professionally and humanely. The Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gasset said: "I am me and my circumstance." Well, as an adult I focused on four very important things:
1) Business life: I dedicated myself to banking, finance and the business world in Europe.
2) Academic life: I was a university professor in Spain and Peru.
3) Proactive communication: Write opinion pieces, do interviews, gatherings, etc., always with constuctive spirit. There are plenty of experts in simple criticism, narcissism and dialectics. There is a lack of authentic analytical and proactive communication that convinces society that solutions exist and are achievable. That's why I worked as a journalist systematically in Spain and to a lesser extent, but I still do it in Peru.
4) I ventured into politics in Peru as a candidate for mayor of Lima for Popular Action in an attempt to help improve my country and be supportive of my people. Also to the Andean Parliament (at the request of Acción Popular, AP) and I worked as a Senior Advisor in the Congress of the Republic for two years (also by AP). Subsequently, I abandoned all connection with active politics.
Even today these vital objectives remain almost intact, since I work at Centrum-PUCP, the Business School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (the First of Peru and the 5th of Latin America), where I am a full-time Professor, traveling for almost the whole country creating entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs of quality, as a modest but tenacious help to the national development (I have been doing this for four years). In this way, I combine my academic and business life. And the political commitment with Peru? Peru is going through a very important systemic crisis, as far as politics is concerned. I always had the theory that when the institutional collapse of Peruvian politics bottoms out, it could return, with a healthy and rising Peru. But the truth is that I have been retired from politics for more than 7 years and I do not see any signs of recovery. Also the media (nationally and internationally) are going through an important institutional crisis, a change that makes them lose their way at times ... We must differentiate to communicate something of simple figureism, that's why I do not lavish myself in the media.
Maybe I will touch in the future, take risks and try to work honestly and decisively, in development projects in favor of the country, that is, in a serious political commitment that can involve us all beyond the politicking of small squares and unproductive intrigues. God will say if that opportunity arose, my commitment to this group would be honest, as it is and has always been with Peru.