Although at that time I had created together with a friend, the Association of Associate Professors of the UCM, being its General Secretary in exercise at that time, I did not want to go to the rectorate so that it would not seem that I was instrumentalizing the Association in my own interest. So, with great regret, I had to resign my teaching position in August 1998. See the certificate issued by the UCM for years of service.
I obtained my position as a professor at the UCM through a public merit contest in September 1989 and started teaching that same academic cycle (which was then two semesters a year). My appointment became effective a few days later, in November of 1989 as it appears in my Title of Professor UCM.
Unfortunately, some bad elements of the Department of Applied Economics V, did not like to see me arrive in my Volvo, made a banker in record time (1990) and opted to boycott me, by choosing schedules. Although these professors were full-time, they chose before me, which was by definition (Associate Professor) a renowned professional who worked part-time with the University. Full-time workers began to leave me totally incompatible schedules with my banker activity (in the mornings from Monday to Friday).

But the next course was already integrated as a Collaborating Professor to the Continuing Education team of the Carlos III University of Madrid, which allowed me to give classes on weekends in a Diploma course called "Economics for Non-Economists" that I had among its students mostly Engineers, Doctors and Lawyers. It was a very nice teaching experience that spanned from 1989 to 1993. On that occasion, I wrote a manual (didactic material) called: "Fundamentals of Accounting and Business Financing" that fortunately, was saved from oblivion and can be seen by clicking on: Books.
Finally, from 1994 to 1999, I was Associate Professor of Economics and International Marketing at the Postgraduate and Continuing Education Institute (now incorporated in the School of Management known as ICAI-ICADE), at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid. There I became friends with Cecilio del Moral Bello, a great Spanish financier, who was for many years, Vice-Chancellor of the UPCO.
In November 1999 I moved to London, occupying the position of Marketing Manager of the PanEuropean Division of LloydsTSB, for which, I had to abandon, after a full decade, my teaching activity. But I continued to give lectures and publish research and teaching material in Europe until 2008, when I returned to Peru.

En noviembre de 1999 me mudé a Londres, ocupando la plaza de Marketing Manager de la PanEuropean Division de LloydsTSB, por lo cual, tuve que abandonar, después de una década completa, mi actividad docente. Pero continué impartiendo conferencias y publicando investigaciones y material didáctico en Europa hasta el 2008, cuando volví al Perú.


En mi despacho de Profesor
When I finished the scholarship of the Institute of Ibero-American Cooperation (ICI) with which I did my full studies of Sociology (5 years of lectures) and one of Economics, in just 4 years, I thought that I would have the 5th year of scholarship agreed and 3rd year of Economics. But it was not like that, the ICI told me that if I finished Sociology before, it was better for me and that I had to go back to Peru. But my little loose year of Economics was going to be very poorly validated in Peru. So I opted to introduce myself to the demanding “Research Staff Training Grant (FPI) of the Higher Council of Scientific Research (CSIC), enrolling in the PhD. of Economics applied to the Sociological Investigation of the Complutense. They were two years of PhD. courses, which I combined with the second and third of Economics. See Scholarships.
When I had to study the fourth year of Economics, I was left without a scholarship. But I saw an ad in the newspaper that called for a position as Associate Professor in Economics in the Department of Applied Economics V of my former Faculty of Sociology and I applied for the contest. I traumatized the day I went to register and a Professor from the Department told me in a low voice: "Let's see dude, you are free to leave the curriculum if you want, but I want you to know, that these places have a name and surname." At that time, entering as a professor at the University, included spending years in the hallway, helping the professors to teach, investigate, etc., until, by mercy, they gave you a first job as a professor. I remember that I left feeling discouraged, thinking that I would not achieve anything...
But on the day of the public merit contest, God took pity on me. Officially, I did not know anyone of those Professors who formed the evaluating table. Four teachers that I never had in class. But in that, it came neither more nor less than the one that was going to act as President of the Tribunal, Dr. José Luis Oya Carnicero, by then Dean of the Faculty of Sociology. Oya had been my Professor in the second year of my career, when in my madness I enrolled in everything Segundo, Tercero and Cuarto de Cuarto. I remember the sympathy Oya always had for me, when she saw me arrive so young and busy, to her room classes being really a sophomore. And I was fortunate to be, despite everything, his second best student in that select fourth year subject that he taught me. The outstanding student of Oya with whom I shared his sympathies was Heriberto Cairo Carou, who over time, became the current Dean of my former Faculty of Sociology.
The certain thing is that, miraculously, Oya defended to me to coat and sword. He demanded that the notes of each contestant be scored objectively. And I had completed two years of Doctorate courses in Economic Sociology, five years of Sociology (with excellent qualifications) and also the full Diploma (Bachelor) in Economics, plus the command of English and French, and also, I counted with the "prosapia of Latin American intellectual" Oya defended the great value of the work of my father. I understand that, behind closed doors, Oya offered that they would take out a new place in a short time for the girl who supposedly brought their names and surnames to the position of teacher in competition ... The ballot of questions I answered using more the Economy than Sociology, to highlight my clear competitive advantage: the place was to teach Economics in Political Science and Sociology and I had two degrees: Economist (Diploma equivalent to 3 years of teaching) and Sociologist (Bachelor), in addition to my two years of Doctorate courses in Economic Sociology complete.
So, by the work and grace of a Professor of value (Dr. Oya), and surely with the help of St. Thomas Aquinas and my father from heaven, I became the youngest Professor of the Centennial Complutense University of Madrid in 1989. See Teacher Title. I started my studies in Spain in October of 1982, that is to say, that in 7 temporary years I obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology (5 years of classes), I completed my two Doctorate Courses in Economic Sociology (2 years of study) and 3 years of Diploma in Economics. The first two years of Professor, I was able to finish my studies in Economics (fourth and fifth year of career) obtaining my Bachelor's Degree in Economics in 1989. At the same time, I was studying an MBA at ICADE (Pontifical Comillas University), financed with my own salary as Professor of Introduction to Economics, in the Department of Applied Economics V, of the Faculty of Sociology of Univ. Complutense.

In 1989 I was already a Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Sociology of the Univ. Complutense and from July 1990, I joined the Head of Financial Services at the Business Management of Banco Atlántico, passing my classes of Professor to the night shift. By then, I had completed 14 years of academic studies in 9 temporary years, including 2 more years of work experience, working as Professor of Economics at Univ. Complutense. In the Banco Atlántico, the Head of the Legal Department, Oria Carnicero, nicknamed me "the young Professor" since the Mayor of Madrid was called "the Old Professor". A nickname of the most honorable, proof of their friendship (since he was the official baptizer of the bank and put tremendous nicknames to more than one).