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In Spain and Peru
[ 2001 - 2004 ] La Clave Magazine. Director: Jose Luis Balbin.
Collaborator of Economics Section. I wrote opinion columns and specials.
[ 1998-1999 ] “Mercado de Dinero” Journal y “Magazine of AUSBANC”.
Director: Jose Cavero (Director of Radio Intereconomía). I had my own section monthly in both Journals.
[1999 ] Economic and Social Talk John Stuart Mill, Madrid.
Director: Sectorial Forum between the State Administration and the Employers’ and Professional Organizations. Honorary Presidency: Jose Folgado Blanco, Secretary of State (Viceminister) of Economy and Finance.
Periodismo: Acerca de mí
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Academic practice led me to develop more and more, as a skilled generator and communicator of ideas. And I started writing articles, first with sporadic collaborations and then, with my own opinion column, interviews and biweekly delivery specials, in "Money Market" (Salmon Weekly) and the "Banking Users Association Magazine, AUSBANC" That was monthly.
At the beginning my Spanish wife looked reluctantly at my articles because they didn't pay them to me, but when my two sections of my own came up and I started paying for it, she was the first one interested in taking part of the weekend in preparing the materials, questions, etc. She never helped me at all, but at least, it forced me not to waver that it was enough, given the level of effort I had from Monday to Friday, with 6 am to 10 pm uninterrupted days, between my Banking Manager activity and University Professor. Honestly, more than a week I was tired even intellectually, with little desire to work also on the weekend. But the subjects I chose freely and that, I was passionate about. He always looked for the most current and controversial but approached it with seriousness and rigor.
The truth is that in Spain I had the rare privilege of interviewing Ministers, Vice Ministers (Secretaries of State), General Directors of large multinational companies, etc...
Part of my success was due to an ingenious creation: The "John Stuart Mill Economic and Social Talk" (TES), a gathering that once a month brought together the most important businessmen, with the highest officials of the Public Administration, for tea in a private lounge of the luxurious Hotel Ritz, or lunch at the Villamagna; in order to elucidate behind closed doors, in confidence and with first level technicians included, how to solve the problems of the sector. Subsequently, I wrote a four-page special with photos, which were previously sent to those interested so that, if they did not oppose, it would appear in fairly agreed terms, published in the AUSBANC Magazine. That is, the meetings could not be charged of "secrecy" thanks to the article in the AUSBANC Magazine but they were not risky either because the guests could speak to "underpants removed", including rifirafes, with the guarantee that after the most truculent debate, it would never transcend.
The hook to attract everyone to participate was my good friend José Folgado Blanco, Secretary of State (Vice Minister) of Finance and Public Expenditure at the time of the Minister of Economy and Finance Rodrigo Rato, during the Government of José Maria Aznar (Popular Party Spanish). José had the keys to the budgets, a fortune in public money that left no sector indifferent. The businessmen knew that for their sector, the top leaders of the respective ministry would attend the talk, and in addition, the one who had to offer money would preside over the Tertulia (the Secretary of State for Budgets and Expenditure). Thus, all the greats of the private sector also attended.
Moving for almost 3 years to England cooled everything, and my subsequent and definitive rooting in Peru, ended up moving away from the Spanish press, although I continued for many years appearing in the Yearbook of the Association of Economic Information Journalists (APIE) as a full member.
After many years of my return to Peru, I have finally resumed my journalistic activity with my weekly column in the Virtual Magazine "Meeting Point". These are specials or in-depth news, which I compile in my book: “Infopensant Articles.” I also participate as co-presenter of the TV show “Mesa de Debates” on Best Cable.
Periodismo: Acerca de mí
Periodismo: Pro Gallery
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