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Centrum Think Tank: Preguntas frecuentes

Click on each title to read the articles

  1. Gonzalo Alegría: Businessmen Will Have to Be More Competitive in 2017

  2. Gonzalo Alegría: Arrears in Lima come from its Foundation

  3. MYPES Require Business Intelligence

  4. Three Basic Principles to Succeed

  5. Peru will have volatile international situation

  6. Forced Business Landing: Chinchero Airport

  7. Parents Seek the Employability of their Children

  8. Reading in Silence

  9. National Reconstruction Plan

  10. Reduction of Labor Costs

  11. Reconstruction Plan Streamlines Procedures

  12. Alternative Finance and Crowdfunding

  13. Productivity in Informality

  14. Small Business Model

  15. CrowdLending in Alternative Finance

  16. Increase in Microcredits in Peru

  17. Investment Funds Will Promote Mortgage Loans

  18. Nominal and Real Interest Rate

  19. The Peruvian Entrepreneur Does Homeland

  20. President Kuczynski Should Make Structural Changes

  21. Venezuela and its Self-managed Model Fail

  22. Dysfunctional System and the Failure of Venezuela

  23. Growth of China is a Good News for Peru

  24. Governance and Governance Against Strikes

  25. Salary Increase to Teachers Will depend on the 2018 Budget

  26. Educational Platform for Teaching Improvement

  27. Highlights Contribution of the Stabilization Fund to Reconstruction

  28. Solutions to the Educational Problem

  29. Proposals for Educational Improvement Must be Articulated

  30. The Economic Challenges to Generate Employment

  31. New Zealand gives Economy Classes to Peru

  32. Copper Exports Must Have Added Value

  33. Peru Needs to Create Large National Consortia

  34. The Importance of Birth in the National Pension System

  35. The Culture of Peace and Mypes in Villa El Salvador

  36. Interest Management in Peru and in Developed Economies

  37. World Cup puts Peru in the Group of Developed Countries

  38. Entrepreneurs Must Know How to Measure the Risks of their Investments

  39. Female and Male: Roles, Genes, Society, Economy and Politics

  40. Sagacity and Pragmatism: The Market and Women

  41. USMCA will replace NAFTA in November

  42. The Capital in the 21st Century by Thomas Piketty

  43. Google Dataset Search, a Tool for Researchers

  44. APA Reference Generator

  45. Economic Theory in Retrospection: Mark Blaug

  46. Simon Kuznets: GDP, GDP and National Income

  47. Mc Donoughh & Braungart: Model Cradle To Cradle

  48. Bill Bryson: A Brief History of Almost Everything

  49. Jeremy Rifkin: The Marginal Zero Cost Society

  50. Robert Kiyosaki: Rich Father, Poor Father

  51. Bloomberg for Universities

  52. Kotler & Amstrong: Marketing Fundamentals

  53. Business Economics with Samuelson & Marks

  54. Designing the Value Proposition

  55. Kurzweil, Ray: "The singularity is near"

  56. Richard Sennett: Work Ethics, Future Work and "The Corrosion of Character"

  57. Byung-Chul Han: The Tiredness Society

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